Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi 2024-03-30T10:14:24+08:00 Cherlina Helena Purnamasari Panjaitan, M.Kom Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JUISI: Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi</strong> atau disingkat JUISI adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Progdi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Komputer Bisnis Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Komputer. JUISI mulai diterbitkan pada bulan Januari 2022 yaitu Vol 1 N0 1 2022. JUISI e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2809-1507</a>; pISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2809-1531</a> menerbitkan jurnal tiga kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Januari, Mei dan November. Misi JUSI adalah untuk berbagi, mengembangkan, dan memfasilitasi hasil makalah penelitian tentang Sistem Informasi. Ruang lingkup Jurnal JUISI adalah: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (DSS), Sistem Informasi Geografi (GIS), Perusahaan Skala Sistem Informasi (ERP, EAI, CRM, SCM), E-Commerce, E-Government, Sistem Informasi dari Rumah Sakit, Sistem Informasi Perbankan, Sistem Informasi Industri, Pengambilan Informasi, Keamanan Sistem Informasi, Sistem Informasi Berbasis Web, Sistem Berbasis Pengetahuan, Komputasi Bergerak, Penambangan Data, Basis Data, Gudang Data, Gudang Data, Mutimedia.</p> SISTEM INFORMASI AKUNTANSI PEMBELIAN DAN PENJUALAN BARANG PADA TOKO PASIFIC CELL 2024-03-30T10:14:24+08:00 Maksum Hakim <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">The development of information systems is progressing very rapidly, therefore a lot of data has to be processed and presented in the form of information. So you really need a truly reliable system to solve this problem. It is not easy to complete and create a report using a manual system, therefore almost all the work we do must use data and the work is assisted by computers.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">The information system for purchasing and selling goods is very important in a company, whether it is a small or large company. This system helps in monitoring goods purchase transactions and sales transactions in the company.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">In this way, work can also be completed quickly and the results are more accurate compared to manual work methods.</span></p> 2024-03-14T06:53:36+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN KENAIKAN JABATAN PADA CV. BHANU SARANA JAYA MENGGUNAKAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING 2024-03-30T10:14:24+08:00 Kartikabudi Pratama <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify;"><span lang="EN">CV. Bhanu Sarana Jaya is a company that operates in the field of selling livestock equipment, where livestock needs are growing rapidly for various products. Therefore, with the development of the company, the number of employees increases and a person's abilities in their field increase over time. However, due to system limitations, the current system still uses Ms. Word, this creates a lack of neatness in the promotion system and employee profile data collection and has an impact on reports and other activities.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">In this research, the author uses the Research and Development development model, namely the research method used to produce certain products and test the product's effectiveness. In designing the system, the author used the Dreamweaver CS5 application and MySQL database. Broadly speaking, Profile Matching is a process of comparing an employee's competencies into job competencies so that differences in competency (also called gaps) can be identified. The smaller the resulting gap, the greater the weight of the value, which means there is a greater opportunity for a prospective employee to be promoted.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">The aim of this system is to manage profiles and assessments which are requirements for promotion on a CV. Bhanu Sarana Jaya can run more effectively and efficiently so that it can improve the performance of the company's employees.</span></p> 2024-03-14T06:54:16+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi PENERAPAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING DALAM SISTEM INFORMASI SELEKSI BEASISWA PADA SMA NU 03 MUALLIMIN WELERI 2024-03-30T10:14:23+08:00 Rina Silviana <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">Providing Scholarships is a work program that exists in every school. The scholarship program was held to ease the burden on students during their study period, especially regarding costs. Providing scholarships to students must be done selectively according to the type of scholarship being provided. Scholarships are income for those who receive them and the purpose of the scholarship is to help ease the burden of educational costs for students who receive scholarships.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">One of the methods used to determine potential scholarship recipients is profile matching because it is able to select the best alternative from a number of alternatives, in this case the intended alternative is those who are entitled to receive a scholarship based on specified criteria. The research was carried out by determining the aspects and sub-aspects and looking for the weight value for each sub-aspect, looking for the GAP between the profile and the state of the students' data. By using this method, the presentation of the two aspect elements is determined and added together, then a ranking process is carried out which will determine the optimal alternative, namely the student with the highest score. There are two forms of scholarship recipients used in this research, namely based on family economics and based on student attendance.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">The final result of this research is a decision support system for determining prospective scholarship recipients who are able to provide solutions in the form of ranking results from the Profile Matching Method selection based on predetermined criteria.</span></p> 2024-03-14T06:55:20+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENERIMA BERAS MISKIN (RASKIN) DENGAN METODE WEIGHTED PRODUCT BERBASIS WEB PADA KELURAHAN PLELEN 2024-03-30T10:14:23+08:00 Novi Rinawati <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">The Plelen Subdistrict Office is one of the government offices in Batang district, Central Java, which implements the RASKIN program, where the selection of prospective RASKIN recipients is still recorded manually. So that residents who should receive assistance will receive it according to the required criteria and will no longer be the wrong target for RASKIN recipients. Therefore, there is a need for a Decision Support System that can make it easier for sub-district employees to make decisions for residents who receive Poor Rice (RASKIN). With the existence of a decision support system (DSS), the aim is to make decisions more quickly and accurately. One method used is Weighted Product. The Weighted Product method is a method of determining order (priority) in multicriteria analysis and uses a multiplication technique to connect attribute ratings, where the rating of each attribute must first be raised to the power of the weight of the attribute in question.</span></p> 2024-03-14T07:06:29+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi SISTEM INFORMASI ANALISIS AKUNTANSI PENJUALAN BERBASIS WEB PADA DJAROT CELL MENGGUNAKAN METODE TIME SERIES 2024-03-30T10:14:22+08:00 Ulfanur Jannah <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">Djarot Cell is a company that provides credit for all operators, electric credit and vouchers. Djarot Cell is located at JL. Lebo Islamic Boarding School RT/RW; 03/05 Gringsing. The Sales Information System at Djarot Cell is not yet equipped with a sales plan. The absence of sales planning for the future makes it difficult to determine future sales targets and the number of sales targets that have been achieved and the form of reports that are still manual makes it difficult for owners to see business developments. Because the condition of the Djarot Cell company is that sales data can fluctuate every month.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">Based on this research, the author created a Web-Based Sales Accounting Analysis Information System application on Djarot Cell using the Time Series Method.</span></p> <p class="Normal1" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: 35.45pt;"><span lang="EN">The author hopes that this sales accounting analysis information system can make it easier for owners to make decisions, especially for managing data more regularly which will influence the company's finances for the better and be able to determine and know the size of sales plans and sales that have been achieved in a certain period.</span></p> 2024-03-14T07:07:05+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi PERANCANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI BANK MINI SISWA SMK DIPONEGORO BANYUPUTIH DENGAN METODE CASH BASIS 2024-03-30T10:14:21+08:00 Rosita Maharditia <p>Based on the problems currently being faced by Vocational School Diponegoro Banyuputih, one of which is the problem of student savings, the system has been running for 4 years. In the current system, the student savings system at Diponegoro Vocational School is still done manually. If you remember the importance of processing data and information in this system, of course this is felt to be less effective and efficient in terms of problems that arise, so it is necessary to design a computerized system.</p> <p>The aim of this research is to ease the performance of savings administrators in processing data, recording data and making reports on this savings information system so that errors that are often experienced can be resolved, designing and building a financial recapitulation system that directly produces financial reports, creating a financial information system using the Cash method. A suitable base for daily management. System analysis and design is preceded by system development which includes system identification, data and information identification. This system development model is used to describe the system being designed, namely the actual situation.</p> <p>The resulting program was built using the PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) programming language with a MySQL database. It is hoped that the implementation of the resulting system will facilitate data management quickly and accurately and the preparation of financial reports</p> 2024-03-14T07:08:03+08:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Sistem Informasi